What DUAN is right for you?

VenosBeauty is a vein and micro vessel locator developed for:
Vascular: sclerosis of micro blood vessels; the high resolution increases the assertiveness index and allows the follow-up of the procedure;
PEIN – (Injectable Aesthetic Procedure). Used by Dentists, Pharmacists, Biomedical for invasive aesthetic procedures (botox, enzymes) and micro vessels.
With its own design for better handling and innovative device that reduces up to 70% pain during venipuncture, it is the best cost-effective device in the market.
Developed from the suggestions of specialized, experienced professionals, it stands out as being a 100% national product with ANVISA and CE certifications.
Already tested and approved.

Venoscópio IV Plus
Venoscopio IV Plus is a device that locates peripheral veins with precision.
It is a portable, compact and anatomical device; its handling is easy and allows a non-invasive
visualization of veins through light up to 5 mm deep.
Through the anatomy, it is possible to choose the most appropriate vein. Through the IV plus,
it is possible to confirm and evaluate the essential parameters for venipuncture:
• Size / diameter;
• Route and bifurcations;
• Flow / permeability.
• Obese patients, chronic diseases, dark skin;
• Teaching methods in nursing schools;
• Biomedicine and Pharmacy (PEIM-Injectable Aesthetic Procedures on Micro vessels);
• Dentistry – Dental implants;
• Personal use for chronic diseases such as cancer, hemophilia..
VenosBaby is a device that locates peripheral veins through light in children from zero to seven years old with precision.
With it, it is possible to obtain the fundamental parameters for the best assertiveness of the vein:
• Size / diameter;
• Route and bifurcations;
• Flow / permeability.
In addition, VenosBaby benefits patients who have difficult venous access, such as:
• Obese patients;
• Congenital syndromes;
• Chronic patients (ICU, hemophilia);
• Dark skin, Rheumatic diseases.

Venoscópio BABYII
BABY II is a vein viewer designed for newborns weighing less than 1.5 kilograms.
With its single design, the rods are separated from the electronic body and allow it to be handled from inside the incubator.
The use of this high-intensity optical set (red, green and white) allows a direct, non-projected, sharp visualization of the opposing veins, due to the white light that transfixes the bones and muscles; the red and green lights give the blue / pink tone of the venous network.
It allows obtaining fundamental parameters for vein puncture:
• Size / diameter;
• Route and bifurcations;
• Flow / permeability.
Exclusive additional benefits of Baby II:
Double stems, such as the ocular system (depth orientation), allow better assertiveness of the veins in tiny limbs.
The 2 optical devices are interconnected by a rod which can be adjusted to the diameter of the limb; its design allows the professional to use the same hand to position the Baby II and fix the newborn’s limb.
Tested and approved the optics and design of the Baby II by specialized professionals.

VENOS PET is a vein viewer designed for newborns weighing less than 1.5 kilograms. With its single design, the rods are separated from the electronic body and allow it to be handled from inside the incubator.
The use of this high-intensity optical set (red, green and white) allows a direct, non-projected, sharp visualization of the opposing veins, due to the white light that transfixes the bones and muscles; the red and green lights give the blue / pink tone of the venous network.
It allows obtaining fundamental parameters for vein puncture:
• Size / diameter;
• Route and bifurcations;
• Flow / permeability.
Exclusive additional benefits of Baby II:
Double stems, such as the ocular system (depth orientation), allow better assertiveness of the veins in tiny limbs.
The 2 optical devices are interconnected by a rod which can be adjusted to the diameter of the limb; its design allows the professional to use the same hand to position the Baby II and fix the newborn’s limb.
Tested and approved the optics and design of the Baby II by specialized professionals.